We currently partner with several Indigenous communities, proactively developing long-term relationships, even in communities we’re not yet working in. Our approach remains flexible, allowing us to structure innovative and adaptive cooperation models that are rooted in the ethics and values unique to each culture.

Our approach

Spirit of collaboration

Our track record of collaborating with Indigenous communities as partners, sub-contractors, neighbours, suppliers, and colleagues is strong and diverse.
Our partnership models have not only resulted in increased employment, but also in providing education, training, meaningful engagement, and economic participation to the communities we work with. Additionally, these models have generated various other community benefits, including but not limited to:

  • Contributing to housing additions and improvements in community infrastructure

  • Adding to community operations and construction vehicle fleets

  • Funding for social and cultural events

  • Post-secondary financial aid and tuition support

  • Support for local subcontractor and supplier development

  • Training of future leaders within the Indigenous Community

Our Commitment

Forging strong and supportive relationships

We are committed to working with Indigenous communities to promote constructive and mutually beneficial relationships. We do this by creating positive social and economic impact through engagement, partnership, and teamwork. Our Spirit of Collaboration initiative also offers support and assistance in accessing technical and financial resources, such as:

  • World-class safety programs, systems, and training

  • Access to an extensive equipment fleet and repair capabilities

  • Proposal/tender development and estimating

  • Contractor and subcontractor management

  • Project leadership experience and expertise

Morgan is also committed to proactively training community members to serve as project managers and sub-contractors. Even if we’re not yet in the area, we want to invest in the local community as much as possible in anticipation of working together on future projects.

Land Acknowledgement

For generations, the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit have inhabited and taken care of these lands. We acknowledge their presence, contributions, and heritage in the places we call home, and are grateful to the elders, cultural teachers, and environmental protectors of both present and past.

Partnership and engagement locations

At Morgan, we have formed partnerships and working relationships with Indigenous communities across Canada.

Partner with us

Interested in working with us on a project? Looking for employment? Let’s chat!
Contact our teamCareers at Morgan